Casings define the perimeter of doors and windows. This type of wall covering is used to conceal the area between a wall covering and a door or window frame.
Casings are typically many and highly apparent in a room. This is why it’s essential to select a profile and a species that complements your interior style and aesthetic.
Mouldings give incredible ornamental possibilities. Considered as genuine decorative components, they are as significant as your choice of paint and textiles.
Besides complementing the design of your décor, they often help to conceal the space between two surfaces.
Crown Mouldings
Baseboards fill the gap between the wall and the floor.
You may also attach a quarter round at the base of the baseboard, which provides a final touch to your project.
Quarter Rounds
Quarter rounds come in different sizes and serve a range of applications.
They are most typically utilized on baseboards to add a final touch to their aesthetic or an extra layer of protection.
Our architectural mouldings add a more sophisticated and unusual touch to your interior design needs.
This includes keystones, rosettes, window sills and crossheads.
Finally, we also have chair rails and lambris shiplaps to complement your designs.